In today’s fast-paced digital world there are tons of ways to monetize your skills, hobbies, and passions online. But it’s easy to get swamped and feel stuck on where to start…

But don’t worry! 

Below, you’ll learn about 17 different ways you can start making money fast online. Each option provides unique upsides and can be tailored to suit your personal strengths and interests. Let’s dive in and discover the virtual opportunities ready to help turn your passion into profit.

  1. Become a Proofreader

    Got a sharp eye for detail, grammar, and punctuation? If so, putting your skills to work as a proofreader can be a great way to make money online. 

    As a proofreader, you’ll review documents, ensuring they’re free of embarrassing typos and are easy to understand.

    When getting started, you’ll want to brush up on your grammar, punctuation, and style skills to ensure you can spot and correct errors with ease. You can do some digging online for free resources to help hone your craft. 

    Next, establish your digital footprint with a professional-looking website showcasing your services, certifications, and experience. You’ll also want to have a portfolio with samples to demonstrate your abilities to potential clients.

    To find clients, you can join freelancer platforms like Upwork or Fiverr, or niche-specific websites like or Scribendi, to connect with individuals and businesses in need of your services. Additionally, you can leverage your personal network, attend industry events, and participate in social media groups related to proofreading to start bringing in paid work. 

  2. Start A Blog

    If you feel the zeal for the written word, a blog can help you start bringing in the bucks online. Successful blogs are able to generate income through a variety of channels, like affiliate marketing, sponsored content, and digital products.

    Before starting your blog, you’ll want to identify a niche that connects with your interests and expertise. Choosing a specific topic will help you attract a dedicated audience and build your authority in the field. Once you’ve determined your niche, try to create a catchy and memorable domain name for your blog.

    Next, set up your blog with an easy-to-use provider like WordPress or Squarespace.  Choose a design that’s captivating to the eye and simple to navigate. Then, consistently publish high-quality, engaging, and valuable content to your readership base.

    As your blog gains traction, you can start monetizing it. Explore monetization options like Google AdSense or direct banner ads to generate passive income. Take advantage of affiliate marketing by promoting products and services related to your niche and receive a commission for every transaction completed via your blog’s exclusive affiliate links.

    You can also collaborate with brands to sponsor content or develop your own digital product, like an eBook or online course, to sell to your audience. Build an email list to foster a direct relationship with your readers, allowing you to continuously promote products, services, or events over time.

  3. Become A Virtual Assistant

    If you’re organized, detail-oriented, and have excellent communication skills, becoming a virtual assistant (VA) may be a way for you to make money online quickly. As a VA, you’ll provide managerial, technological, and creative assistance to companies and business owners.

    To get started, identify your strengths and the type(s) of support you want to offer. This may include things like email organization, agenda organization, social media management, inputting data, or generating content. Just make sure you stay up-to-date with the best online tools for your services to keep you efficient and competitive.

    Once you know what services you want to provide, build an online presence to showcase your skill set. Create a website with a portfolio and testimonials to exhibit your expertise. Then, start finding clients through your personal network and freelancer platforms like Upwork. You can also engage in networking events, online forums, and Facebook groups to meet potential clients and broaden your reach.

  4. Selling Digital Art On Etsy

    Selling digital art can be a great way for those with artistic flair to capitalize on their passion. Platforms like Etsy provide a large marketplace for digital creations. This makes it possible for you to start growing an audience for your personalized art. 

    Start by identifying the type of art you like to make. Then, create a diverse portfolio of your digital art pieces. Whether it’s typography, illustrations, or digital prints, focus on producing high-quality and original artwork that appeals to a wide range of potential buyers. 

    Once you have an impressive collection of your artwork, set up your Etsy shop. Create a captivating store banner, write an engaging shop description, and show off your brand to start capturing the attention of your target audience. 

    To drive more traffic and sales, you can also promote your Etsy shop on social media platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook. You can also engage with your audience. You can do this by using relevant hashtags and sharing your creative process to build a loyal following with a more personal connection.

    PRO TIP: There are now AI image generators like DALL-E 2 and Midjourney. These tools make it easier for everyone (even non-artists!) to transform images from their imagination into prints, stickers, and other consumables for art fans.

  5. Throw A Facebook Yard Sale

    Got a bunch of stuff cluttering up your living space? If you do, it might be time to throw a Facebook yard sale. This digital twist on a traditional yard sale lets you sell your unwanted items from the comfort of your home while reaching a larger audience within your local community. 

    Begin by gathering all the items you no longer use or are just taking up space. Snap some high-quality, well-lit photos of each and highlight their condition and features. Don’t forget to declutter and clean your stuff too so they’re more attractive to buyers online. 

    Next, head over to Facebook and join local buy-sell-trade or yard sale groups near you. Make sure you check out each group’s rules and guidelines before you start listing your items. Once you’re a member, and know your posts are abiding by all group rules, start creating captivating posts for each item that you’re selling. Be honest about their condition, and set fair prices to entice more buyers. 

  6. Sell Photos Online

    A love for photography can be turned into a profitable online venture in today’s day and age. That’s because there are several avenues for you to start selling your photos online. To get started, curate a diverse portfolio of your best images and make sure they’re high-resolution and well-edited. 

    Once you have your portfolio together, explore a variety of platforms to sell your work. These may include popular platforms like Shutterstock, Adobe Stock, and iStock that cater to a large customer base and handle all the licensing, sales, and marketing for you. Additionally, you can sell other images through your own personal site where you’ll have control over the pricing and presentation.

    Don’t forget about social media either! Platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook, can effectively promote your photography, build a following, and attract potential buyers. Additionally, you can offer alternative services like signed prints and digital downloads to diversify your income streams.

  7. Starting an Amazon FBA Business

    With an Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) venture of your own, you’re granted access to a massive online customer base. Through FBA, Amazon will handle all your warehousing, shipment, and client support needs for your products, enabling you to concentrate on the most crucial aspect – building your business! 

    Begin by pinpointing a potentially lucrative market by finding items with strong demand but limited competition. To help with this, you can conduct market research and analyze Amazon’s best-seller lists to see if your products have a potential for success.

    Next, source your products from reliable suppliers or manufacturers, paying close attention to quality and pricing. Alibaba and Global Sources are popular platforms for finding suppliers. Keep in mind, your relationship with your supplier is crucial for your FBA business’s long-term success.

    Once you have your inventory, open an Amazon seller account and sign up for their FBA program. Prepare your products according to Amazon’s requirements and ship them to the designated fulfillment center. Make sure to optimize your product listings with high-quality pictures, compelling descriptions, and relevant keywords to attract potential buyers and rank higher in search results.

    You can also boost sales through marketing strategies such as Amazon PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising, email marketing, and social media promotion. Focus on gathering positive customer reviews too. They’ll also play a key role in driving sales and increasing your product’s visibility.

  8. Passive Income From Investments

    Want to make money online with next to no effort? Then passive income from investments is the way to go! By making smart investment choices, you can sit back and let your money break a sweat so you don’t have to. 

    When you work with a financial advisor, you’re able to create a financial plan that incorporates your income goals today, and in the future. You’ll get a thinking partner in putting together a portfolio, which may include various investment options, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and real estate investment trusts (REITs). 

    With dividend-yielding stocks or funds that consistently distribute part of their profits to shareholders, you can continuously bring in income passively from your investments. You can also choose to reinvest these dividends, and further boost your passive income through the power of compounding interest.

    PRO TIP: At Snowpine Wealth, you can schedule a complimentary call with Ryan Smith CFP®. Ryan has over 12 years of navigating clients to investment success. By working together, you can identify opportunities for you to start generating passive income from your investments. 

  9. Starting a Dropshipping Business

    Nowadays, dropshipping businesses are popping up all the time – and for good reason! Dropshipping enables you to break into the eCommerce landscape without the need for stocking an inventory or putting up a substantial upfront investment. You’re able to sell products directly from suppliers to customers, while the suppliers handle the packaging and shipping. 

    Before launching your dropshipping business, you’ll first want to decide on what product(s) you want to sell. Choose items you have an interest in or know a lot about, and make sure they have enough market demand. Do some research into market trends and target audiences to ensure your business stays competitive. 

    Next, find reliable suppliers for your products. Platforms like AliExpress and Oberlo can help connect you with reputable suppliers. Strong supplier relationships are pivotal to your success in dropshipping because they’re the ones ensuring your products meet quality and delivery expectations.

    Once you’ve secured your suppliers, create an engaging online store using platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce. Use high-quality product images and enticing descriptions for all your listings to attract and close customers. Utilize social media, keyword optimization, and paid ads to reach your target audience. Leverage email marketing and retargeting campaigns to engage your audience and create repeat customers.

  10. Sell Online Courses

    Selling your own digital classes can be a highly lucrative way to flex your knowledge in a specific area. To get started, hone in on your subject matter and create a course outline that breaks down your knowledge base into digestible modules. Keep your target audience at the forefront of your mind, and make sure your course material accommodates their needs and preferences.

    Next, produce high-quality course materials, like videos, slides, and printouts, that are engaging and visually captivating. Keep the content informative, but make sure it’s easy to follow and understand. With more time and effort put into the front end of creating your course, the easier it can be to add updates and garner positive reviews over time. 

    Once your course content is ready, it’s time to select a platform to host and sell your digital product. Options like Teachable, Udemy, and Skillshare are popular and offer various features, such as payment processing, marketing tools, and user analytics. Research multiple options, but choose the one(s) right for your goals and budget.

    Once your course is live, it’s crucial to promote it aggressively. Harness the power of social media, email marketing, and content marketing to reach your target audience. Collaborate with influencers, create engaging blog posts, and share testimonials to build credibility and attract more students. And don’t forget to engage with students and listen to feedback!

  11. Become an SEO Expert

    If you don’t mind getting analytical and have a love for business, becoming an SEO expert may be right for you. As an SEO expert, you’ll aid businesses in enhancing their site’s prominence, boosting organic viewership, and securing higher positions on Google. 

    To kick things off, get familiar with researching keywords, website optimization, backlink development, and technical SEO. Plenty of online workshops, articles, videos, and other resources are available to help you master your SEO skill set. 

    Once you’re more confident, assemble a portfolio that exhibits your skills and successful SEO projects. This will help showcase your expertise to prospective clients and distinguish you from competitors.

    Next, establish your presence online. Develop a polished website and social media accounts, highlighting your offerings, background, and accomplishments. By regularly sharing invaluable content and interacting with your followers, you’ll help build yourself up as an authority in the SEO space.

    Now it’s time to attract clients. Reach out to businesses in your niche, offer free consultations, or provide SEO audits to showcase your expertise and generate leads. Additionally, networking on platforms like LinkedIn and attending industry events can also help connect you with potential clients. 

  12. Start A YouTube Channel

    If you have a taste for creating online video content and interacting with an audience, starting a YouTube channel may be right up your alley. With some consistency and outside-the-box thinking, you can turn your channel into a new income stream. 

    Start by devoting your channel to a specific niche that lights you up and that you have experience in. This will help you create solid, trustworthy content that resonates with your audience. Once you’ve picked your area of content, start planning video topics and develop a consistent posting schedule to keep your viewers engaged. 

    Next, you’ll want to put some money into recording equipment. This will include a camera with good video capabilities, a microphone, and editing software. These tools will help you produce high-quality content that attracts viewers and keeps them clicking on your videos. 

    Make sure to promote your videos on social media platforms and interact with your audience through comments and direct messages. This will help you build your community of subscribers and add a personal touch to your content. As your channel grows, you can monetize it in multiple ways. These ways include, but are not limited to YouTube’s Partner Program, sponsored videos, and selling merchandise through your channel. 

    PRO TIP: Cameras, microphones, and editing software can get expensive quickly! If you’re unsure if making YouTube videos is right for you, you can start off by recording videos with your computer’s webcam and privately share them with trusted family and friends. This is a far less expensive way to dip your digital feet in video content waters. 

  13. Become An Online Tutor

    Are you an expert in a particular subject with a passion for helping others learn one-on-one? If so, becoming an online tutor can be an excellent way to make money online. With flexible hours and the ability to work from home, online tutoring offers a rewarding and convenient way to start bringing in more money.

    First, identify your area of expertise and the age group or type of students you’d like to teach. Whether it’s math, science, language, or test prep, focus on the subject(s) you’re most confident in and love teaching the most.

    Next, prepare your teaching materials and plan engaging lessons tailored to the needs of your students. Ensure you have a reliable internet connection, a high-quality webcam, and a distraction-free workspace for conducting your tutoring sessions.

    To start finding clients, join online tutoring platforms like, Chegg Tutors, or Wyzant. You can also create your own website or utilize social media to promote your tutoring services. Regardless of which route you go, you’ll want to form strong relationships with your students and their parents. These relationships can lead to repeat business and word-of-mouth referrals, helping you grow your online tutoring business even faster.

  14. Starting a Life Coaching Business

    As a life coach, you’ll have the opportunity to help people transform their lives, reach their goals, and unlock their potential – all while earning a substantial income. This can be one of the most rewarding ways to start making money online. 

    To kickstart your life coaching journey, first, identify your ideal client profile. Are you passionate about helping professionals advance their careers, or do you have a knack for guiding people through personal growth? Pinpointing your focus will help you target your marketing efforts with far more precision.

    Next, you’ll want to invest in quality training and certification(s) to build credibility and enhance your coaching skills. Not only will this help you better serve your clients, but it will also make your services more marketable. Once you’re certified, create a compelling website showcasing your expertise, services, and success stories. 

    Now, it’s time to attract clients. Utilize social media, email marketing, and networking to reach your ideal clients. Offer free discovery sessions, webinars, or workshops to showcase your skills and give potential clients a taste of what to expect. This will help build trust and rapport while also generating leads for your business to change lives!

  15. Voice Over Jobs

    Do you have a unique and captivating voice? If so, you can make money online quickly by venturing into the world of voice-over work. With all the demand for voice talent in various media, including commercials, audiobooks, podcasts, and video games, there’s never been a better time to cash in on those golden pipes of yours. 

    To begin, invest in quality recording equipment, such as a good microphone, headphones, and audio editing software. This will enable you to produce professional-sounding recordings that clients will find appealing. You’ll also want to have a comfortable and quiet space in your home for your recording sessions.

    Next, develop a diverse voice-over portfolio showcasing your vocal range, accents, and styles. This will help demonstrate your versatility and talent to potential clients. After that, create a website and social media profiles to promote your voice-over services. 

    To start landing jobs, you can join freelancer platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or specialized websites such as or Voice123. These platforms connect voice talents with clients seeking their services. Apply for relevant projects and provide personalized proposals to increase your chances of being hired.

  16. Make A Podcast

    Are there topics you could talk about all day? If that’s the case, you might want to think about starting a podcast. Doing so can be a rewarding way to share your unique perspectives and insights and connect with a like-minded audience. 

    First off, you’ll want to pick a specific topic or range of topics that your podcast will center around. This helps you create focused and engaging content that keeps listeners coming back for more. Plan your episode topics and develop a consistent upload schedule to maintain your audience’s interest. 

    Now it’s time to invest in quality recording equipment. You may need to acquire a good microphone (or multiple if you have guests), headphones, and audio editing software. This will ensure that your podcast sounds professionally produced and keeps listeners wanting to tune in. You’ll also want to find a quiet place to record without background noise. 

    Once your episodes are ready, you can submit your podcast to popular platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts to reach a wider audience. You can also promote your podcast on social media and network with other podcasters to grow your audience.

  17. Affiliate Marketing

    Affiliate marketing is a powerful way to generate income by promoting products or services from other businesses. By referring customers through your unique affiliate links, you’ll be able to earn a commission on each sale or lead, allowing you to monetize your online presence effectively. 

    To get started, choose a niche that aligns with your passions and professional skill set. This will help you create engaging content and authentically promote products or services that resonate with your audience. After this, start a blog, YouTube channel, or social media account where you can share valuable content and incorporate your affiliate links. 

    To find affiliate programs your social media account(s) may be eligible for, visit various networks like Amazon Associates, ShareASale, or Commission Junction. These offer an extensive array of products and services you can advertise yourself. Alternatively, you can partner with individual companies that offer their own affiliate programs. 

    As you create content, integrate your affiliate links naturally and ethically. Make sure you’re transparent with your audience about your affiliations and only promote products or services that you actually believe in. This will help build trust with your followers and subscribers and increase the chances of them making a purchase based on your endorsement. 

    PRO TIP: Put best practices behind your content to help maximize your affiliate marketing results. Use a combination of SEO, consistent uploads/posts, social media marketing, and email marketing to engage a bigger audience and attract more visitors to your affiliate links. 

Create Your Own Blend of the Strategies Above

Keep in mind, many of the methods listed above can be blended together. Many of them go hand-in-hand and can be leveraged together for compounded success. Here are some examples of you can utilize these strategies together:

Blogging and Affiliate Marketing: If you have a blog, you can incorporate affiliate links into your posts. This can be used to promote relevant products or services to your audience. This allows you to earn money through commissions while simultaneously providing valuable content.

Online Tutoring and Creating Online Courses: As an online tutor, you can expand your income by creating and selling online courses. This allows you to reach a broader audience with a product that can generate passive income.

Social Media and Selling Digital Art: If you’re selling digital art on platforms like Etsy, you can use social media to promote your work and drive traffic to your online store. This will help you attract potential buyers, grow your audience, and boost your sales.

Voice-over Jobs and Podcasting: As a voice-over artist, you can start your own podcast where you showcase your various voice skills and grow a following. This can lead to more work opportunities, sponsorships, or even the creation of paid podcast episodes.

How Snowpine Wealth Can Help You Further

At Snowpine Wealth, we know how important it is to create multiple income streams to build wealth and maintain financial security. In today’s digital age, you have a plethora of opportunities to make money online, and we’re here to help you make the most of them. 

By working with Ryan Smith CFP®, you’ll have a financial thinking partner in your corner. Whether you’re building a full-fledged business online, monetizing a side hustle, or just trying to bring in extra cash with a hobby, you’ll be able to put a plan together that makes the most sense for you and your entrepreneurial spirit.

Don’t let the world of online business overwhelm you! Reach out to us at our office by dialing 801-534-4463, or you can schedule a free appointment online.

Securities and advisory services offered through Commonwealth Financial Network®, Member FINRA/SIPC, a Registered Investment Advisor. Fixed insurance products and services not offered through Commonwealth Financial Network®.

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